Partnership-Achieving a purpose and developing caring and love

In this tab on the website, I have chosen to use the word partnership and in doing so I recognize that the noun partnership does not have the same meaning to all people. As you read the information in this tab, I would like you to accept what I mean when I use the word partnership. What I mean by partnership is when two or more people are acting together to achieve a shared purpose, they are committed to achieve.

There are different levels of partnership. In a true partnership there is a sincere commitment by the partners to succeed together and their relationship has varying levels caring and love. Unfortunately, many people who commit together to achieve a shared purpose do not get fully engaged or have personal objectives they seek to achieve by participating in the activity. A true partnership has a strong commitment to the purpose between partners and a recognition that the partnership not only provides the means to achieve an outer purpose but also an opportunity to learn how to care and love each other.

An inherent belief in our culture is that the receiver is beholden to the giver, a sense of inequality and not partnership. In a partnership both the providers and the receivers are partnering to achieve a purpose they believe is important; This viewpoint gives dignity and respect to the receiver. Bill Gates has given billions to many causes, which can be viewed not as him giving gifts but rather as him partnering with many different organizations to help create a better world. It is important for us to view our partners as people with whom we are acting together with caring and love, and that our partnership with each other enriches the world we live in.

Organizational Partnership

Perspectives in establishing a partnership management paradigm

The following are examples of how this change in paradigm has been characterized:

The Old and the New – Franklin Covey

OLD and NEW – US Labor and Commerce Dept.

Command and Control versus Knowledge-Based - OLC