Site Purpose
My name is Bob. I developed this website to share information to help improve partnership,prosperity, and the well-being of society and our planet.
I hope the website inspires you to contribute to the positive evolution of our society and our world which is the message in the
Adventure of Consciousness video.
The Magic Notes
Few can hear the magic notes and have danced with joy together.
Many have been drowned by the noise of fame and their desire for material gain.
The universe cries for what could be, the choices that went wrong.
It cries for those who pass this way and didn’t awake to sing their song.
Human Evolution, a Historical Perspective
In this document I provide information on various historical initiatives which have sought a pathway for improving the survival and well-being of humankind. There are examples in Scandinavia where significant progress has been made to ensure most people have achieved Phase 1 of human evolution. The challenge humankind faces is understanding how to move forward in implementing Phase 2 of evolution.
Historically, initiatives to improve the conditions of humankind have been stimulated by the population experiencing significant impoverishment and then responding with various forms of insurrection. Revolutions such as the Russian Revolution led by Lenin and the French Revolution come to mind. There were also political initiatives which established Communist societies, such as the one in China led by Mao. There have been inspirational initiatives, including the “Summer of Love” in San Francisco in 1967 and the New Age movement. These were initiatives in which the focus was learning to love each other and contribute to the well-being of the world we live in. None of these revolutions and inspirational initiatives were sustainable as originally envisaged; there was something missing.
I suggest that what was missing in both the national and inspirational initiatives referred to above was an understanding of the conditions, vision, purpose and process for successfully implementing Phase 2 of human evolution. The national revolutions focused on realizing survival, Phase 1 of human evolution. The inspirational initiatives focused on realizing Phase 2 without sufficient economic resources to fully realize Phase 1.
Evolution takes place when self-actualized individuals, (those who are in in the top level of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs), who also have attained the state of personal self-transcendence (Maslow’s extension of his hierarchy of needs) act individually or collectively to care for others. In the process of doing so they increase their love for themselves, for others and our planet and thus facilitate Phase 2 of evolution. Visionary leaders can facilitate this evolutionary process but as the process takes place within individuals it cannot be managed from the top down.
The following is a true story which helps illustrate that each of us can decide the level of security and resources we need to act with personal self-transcendence.
Over a hundred years ago my father and his friend were touring a remote part of Scotland on their motorcycles. It was getting late, and they needed somewhere to stay for the night so they knocked on the door of a small croft, a small, rented cottage with arable land. The lady opened the door, and my father asked her which direction to go to find accommodation for the night. The lady offered them her home. They accepted. She gave my father and his friend an evening meal and the only bedroom. The lady and her husband slept in their living room. The following morning, they were given a hearty breakfast. As they were leaving my father asked the lady how much they owed. She said, “Nothing. I was pleased to be able to help. My son is in London, and I hope someone cares for him.” The elderly lady and her husband had achieved self-actualization and acted with self-transcendence to care for others in need.
1. The Ill Health of Society - Understanding the Root Cause
2. Our Leaders Will Not Realize Human Evolution - We Need an Alternative Pathway
3. Human Evolution, a Historical Perspective
4. Phase 2 of Human Evolution - Transcendence
5. Our Personal Contribution to Human Evolution