Site Purpose
My name is Bob. I developed this website to share information to help improve partnership,prosperity, and the well-being of society and our planet.
I hope the website inspires you to contribute to the positive evolution of our society and our world which is the message in the
Adventure of Consciousness video.
The Magic Notes
Few can hear the magic notes and have danced with joy together.
Many have been drowned by the noise of fame and their desire for material gain.
The universe cries for what could be, the choices that went wrong.
It cries for those who pass this way and didn’t awake to sing their song.
Our Challenge
I encourage you to look at the cup half full. Yes, there are many challenges humankind faces in realizing our evolutionary destiny. However, we have already overcome many challenges and have the resources to address those we face. My hope is that you will find information on the site that helps you partner with others in enjoying life’s journey and contributing to a positive future for all.
I recommend you read a recent article in the Washington Post, "American democracy is cracking". This very insightful article helps explain why the state of our society is deteriorating and that a means of addressing this deterioration is not clear. We are hearing this message from many different sources, and it is difficult for us as individuals to know how we can make a difference. Information is provided on this website on how each of us can contribute to the well-being of society and our planet. It draws on over 40 years of experience of many insightful people who have been concerned about building a positive future for our society. There is one thought I encourage you to keep in mind as you review the information on the website. That thought is. “Let there be peace on earth and let it begin with me.”
The homepage and the associated five tabs provide an overview of my purpose for providing this website. I recommend that you next review the “Human Evolution Tab”. It provides an overview of the three activities essential to facilitating human evolution. It provides information on the theory I have chosen to call the three legs of the stool of evolution. I choose to call these legs in the stool as they are components of the evolutionary process that needs to be understood and integrated in achieving human evolution. The first two legs describe how we need to act to facilitate our evolutionary purpose by working individually and with others to facilitate human evolution. The third leg is a definition of the evolutionary purpose that humankind is called to achieve and to continually gain increased clarity of that purpose. Additional information on the first leg of the stool is provided under the tab “Human Crucibles” and more information on the second leg of the stool is provided under the tab “Realizing Our Future”.
It is not going to be possible for us to evolve if we are not able to sustain a secure and prosperous society. One group of professionals that can make a positive contribution to organizational prosperity and the well-being of society are Organizational Development (OD) Professionals. With that in mind, this site is entitled and includes an OD resources tab where information is provided that I and my Organizational Learning Center associates developed and have proven to be effective in helping organizations prosper by improving performance and concurrently improving the quality of their working life.
It is recognized that this website provides an extensive amount of information. You are encouraged to take it one step at a time as you review it and as you do so identify parts of the information you consider to be of value in helping you contribute to the prosperity and well-being of human society and our planet.
1. The Ill Health of Society - Understanding the Root Cause
2. Our Leaders Will Not Realize Human Evolution - We Need an Alternative Pathway
3. Human Evolution, a Historical Perspective
4. Phase 2 of Human Evolution - Transcendence
5. Our Personal Contribution to Human Evolution
6. Our Challenge